2nd – 6th December 2018
Rome, Italy
Youth training European Youth against Antigypsyism was intended for youth workers with an aim to carry out goals of the project and present the findings. Youth workers training, among whom majority was of Roma descent, had a double function: it served as a test for transfer of intelectual result in practice, which was a significant source of information about the result both for the youth workers as the end users – youth of Roma and mainstream population. Diversity of partnerships also ensured variety of approaches, thus contributing an important contribtuion to the training as a whole. We came to the conclusion, that the phenomenon of antigypsyism is very different in all the partner states and has different roots. Training was essential from numerous points of view:
- – we got to know different realities of Roma in five European states and consequentially, the meaning of antigypsyism in each of the states
- – youth acquired competences and skills in the field of both youthwork and intercultural functioning
- – we strengthened capacities of Roma organizations, as it was the first Erasmus+ project for the Dutch, Italian and Croatian organization
- – project included heavy dissemination on local, national and international level, because we also presented the project to the UNAR Anti-racial discrimination national Office in Rome
- – we prepared a module that includes all the knowledges for lectures on the topic of antigypsyism
- – we carried out an evaluation meeting on the topic of the project, training and drew up guidelines for future work
- – we successfully made contacts with institutions and organizations that could in the future make use of an educational module on the topic of antigypsyism.
Methods that we used during these trainings varied: presentations, lectures, group work, workshops, role-playing, debates, counselling etc. Trainings were mostly carried out in the ex-Yugoslav language, because the majority of participants understood it. Among others, English and Italian were used.
Youth training was financed by the Erasmus+ programme.