Closing international meeting European Youth against Antigypsyism
The closing project meeting of the EMPA took course over two days and it addressed numerous topics, from previous activities to upcoming challenges; we were already focusing on the further steps in combating the antigypsyism.
Conference European Youth against Antigypsyism
International conference European Youth against Antigypsyism was a meeting of youth workers, representatives of the organizations working with Roma, representatives of educational organizations, decision makers, experts and media.
Youth training European Youth against Antigypsyism
Youth training European Youth against Antigypsyism was intended for youth workers with an aim to carry out goals of the project and present the findings.
Exhibition of photographs from Roma life
As a part of the project European Youth against Antigypsyism, Romni onlus prepared an excellent exhibition of Roma photographs.
Diknu Schneeberger Trio – concert
As a part of the project European Youth against Antigypsyism we organized a concert by the Diknu Schneeberger Trio in Ljubljana.
Preparatory meeting European Youth against Antigypsyism
Triggering project meeting in Croatian Rijeka was carried out in the attendance of all the partners, included in the project.